What heat sensitive items might you keep in your safe?



Ultra Sensitive

I just plan on storing normal items that are not sensitive to heat.

I plan on storing items such as: jewelry, coins, standard guns, etc... items that can stand between 210 degrees and 300 degrees of heat.

I plan on storing items such as: Cash, titles, contracts, other important documents, family videos, photo albums, family heirlooms, computers, camera equipment, collectibles, etc...

Here are some common items people store in their safe. Most of these fall in the Sensitive or Ultra Sensitive categories.

Cash/Valuable Documents

  • Cash
  • Checks
  • Stocks and Bonds
  • Tickets/Passports
  • Birth Certificates
  • Business Records
  • Account Statements
  • Tax Records
  • Deeds/Contracts
  • Insurance Papers

Precious Metals/Stones

  • Gold/Silver
  • Coin Collections
  • Jewelry/Diamonds
  • Family Silverware
  • Keys

Hunting/Sporting Items

  • Firearms
  • Black Powder
  • Ammunition
  • Archery Equipment
  • Fishing Equipment


  • Cameras/Video Equipment
  • Laptops
  • DVDs / CDs
  • Family Videos
  • High Tech Audio

  • Software
  • Computer Disks
  • Memory Sticks
  • Hard Drives
  • Film Negatives


  • Family Heirlooms
  • Wedding Photos
  • Diaries & Journals
  • Genealogy Records
  • Stamp Collections
  • Baseball Cards

  • Art Collections
  • Rare Books
  • Musical Instruments
  • Historical Memorabilia
  • Expensive China

Miscellaneous Items

  • Prescriptions
  • Medications
  • Wine/Liquor
  • Christmas Gifts
  • Tools